The Hockey Player's Heart Page 11
Caleb went down on Aaron’s cock, hoping that would help recapture the mood. He took all of Aaron in one gulp. Aaron gasped as Caleb worked his tongue over Aaron’s shaft. The plan seemed to work as the moans returned, stronger than before.
“Oh, Caleb. That’s… so… good.” Aaron could barely speak as his cockhead pushed against the back of Caleb’s throat. “And these legs… my God, they’re perfect.”
Aaron kissed around Caleb’s cock, not yet taking it in even as its hardness pressed against his face. Caleb hummed his pleasure as he continued to suck Aaron’s cock. He loved the mouthful Aaron was, and how good he tasted as the occasional bit of precum dripped out. Carefully Caleb caressed other areas of Aaron—legs, balls, stomach—with his free hand while the other kept his weight mostly off Aaron.
Aaron explored too, and Caleb almost choked from a pleasure overload when Aaron shifted from his balls to the space between them and his hole. What had been moans turned to whimpers as Aaron hit the tender skin with his tongue, leaving Caleb’s cock to be teased just slightly by the whiskers on Aaron’s chin. Without saying anything, Aaron pushed himself up just enough so his tongue could dart around Caleb’s hole.
Caleb was forced to let go of Aaron’s cock so he could breathe. He gripped the bedspread as waves of unprecedented pleasure crashed through him. He pushed his ass back onto Aaron’s tongue as Aaron spread Caleb’s cheeks to give himself better access. Caleb could do nothing but shudder and make guttural sounds. He wasn’t prepared for Aaron to be such a pro at rimming. He did an incredible job. Caleb struggled to hold himself up as his arms started to shake.
Suddenly Aaron stopped. “Okay, big boy. Here we go.”
Caleb couldn’t believe how easily Aaron rolled them over so he was suddenly on top. Before Caleb could say a word, Aaron moved off the bed to stand at the foot, where Caleb’s legs now hung off. Caleb watched with anticipation as Aaron lifted his legs so his ass was in the air. Aaron then dove right back into the rim job, causing Caleb to cry out in ecstasy.
Caleb hadn’t expected Aaron to be so aggressive. He liked it—a lot. He was usually the one in control because it was what was expected. And frankly, it was in his nature. While he’d started this, he was wildly turned on that Aaron had taken over and was driving him insane. No one had worked his ass like that, and while he wanted to know what Aaron’s tongue could do to his cock, he didn’t want to stop what was happening.
“Aaron… my God.” Caleb’s voice was strained and broken with whimpers as the stunning assault on his ass continued.
Aaron reached around and gently stroked Caleb’s cock, which only made him vibrate more.
“Careful. You’re gonna make me blow if you keep that up.”
Aaron slowed the stroking, but the tongue action continued. He adjusted perfectly to Caleb’s desires.
Caleb needed Aaron. Needed him right now. He shifted to the side, and while Aaron briefly whimpered in protest, Caleb scrambled to get in front of him and kiss him. It was an intense, passion-filled kiss that Aaron matched. They grabbed on to each other, pressing as much of their bodies together as possible.
“Please tell me you’ve got stuff here.” Caleb’s voice was muffled between kisses.
Aaron nodded and went to the nightstand. He quickly pulled out lube but then shuffled around in the drawer.
Caleb got off the bed and came up behind him, peppering his neck and shoulders with kisses as his erection poked Aaron’s buttcheeks. “You’ve got a lot of toys,” Caleb said, perching his head on Aaron’s shoulder and looking into the drawer.
“I’ve been running solo for a while now.” Aaron pulled a chain of condoms from the drawer.
“Give me those,” Caleb said eagerly. He was happy to take back control, as he couldn’t wait anymore. Caleb turned Aaron around and pushed him gently backward. He fell onto the bed and pushed himself so he was all on the bed. Caleb got next to him, ripped the condom open, and started rolling it down Aaron’s cock.
“What’re you doing?” There was no mistaking the surprise in Aaron’s voice.
Caleb froze as he was about to lube Aaron up. “You can’t get me worked up like that and then not let me ride on this dick.” He squeezed it for emphasis. “I want it.” He watched confusion cross Aaron’s face. They studied each other, and Caleb looked for signs he was doing the wrong thing again, but a slight smile played across Aaron’s lips, and that made Caleb tingle inside.
He got back to work lubing Aaron’s thick cock before he straddled him. Caleb grabbed Aaron’s legs and pulled them closer to his body. Aaron ran his hands over Caleb’s quads as Caleb lubed himself and rocked back onto Aaron’s cock.
He controlled himself so he didn’t try to sit right down Aaron’s rock-hard pole. It’d been a while since he’d been fucked. He vibrated as intense sensations rolled through him. Despite his anticipation of what was to come, he made sure to savor the moment.
“Holy fuck, you’re big.” Caleb looked down and saw fire in Aaron’s eyes that sent jolts through him as if he were being touched.
He pushed down and growled as he forced himself to relax, taking some deep breaths. Suddenly Aaron was inside, and Caleb gasped as pleasure and pain gripped him. “Gimme a second.”
“Take your time.” Aaron caressed Caleb’s chest.
Caleb closed his eyes, concentrating. Aaron flicked at his nipples, and that was just the coaxing he needed.
“And you’re so tight.” Caleb opened his eyes to find Aaron’s eyes closed, but there was a goofy smile on his face. He clenched his ass a couple of times, squeezing Aaron’s dick as hard as he could.
“My God. So good.”
Caleb leaned down, making sure Aaron didn’t slip out. His lips crashed into Aaron’s for the hungriest kisses they’d traded yet as Caleb slowly moved himself along the shaft buried deep inside him.
Eventually Caleb sat up and picked up the pace of the thrusts. Using his well-trained legs, he rode Aaron, leaving him nothing to do but moan and writhe under him. Caleb was the louder one, as he got Aaron deeper into his ass. They were covered with a sheen of sweat when Aaron matched Caleb’s rhythm to push in further.
“That’s it. Right there,” Caleb said as they worked together to keep hitting that spot.
Aaron grabbed hold of Caleb’s cock, which had been bobbing against his stomach, and jerked it. Caleb had been leaking for some time, his cock slick and hard. Caleb clenched Aaron’s cock tighter as Aaron worked his throbbing dick.
Without warning, Caleb’s breath caught as he shot white ropes of cum across Aaron’s chest and chin. Aaron went over the edge as Caleb’s orgasm caused his hole to tighten. They both cried out.
Caleb slowly leaned over and gently kissed Aaron as he slid off his cock. Aaron whimpered a bit as he slipped out, but didn’t stop the kisses.
“That was amazing,” Caleb eventually said, his face just inches from Aaron’s.
“I don’t think I can move.”
Caleb carefully climbed off Aaron and collapsed next to him. He nestled close to Aaron, using Aaron’s arm as a pillow. “I don’t think we have to.”
They lay there quietly, periodically touching and caressing one another, until they drifted off.
Chapter Seventeen
AARON woke up with a start, not realizing where he was at first. “Sorry!”
Something wasn’t right. He had to get up, but an arm over his chest and a leg over his trapped him in place.
“What’s wrong?” A man’s voice… Caleb’s voice, sounding groggy.
Caleb moved off him, and Aaron immediately missed the reassuring contact of Caleb’s body so close to his.
“Caleb. Sorry,” Aaron whispered, closing his eyes, wishing he could be anywhere but here. It was complete embarrassment waking up next to Caleb, practically screaming.
“It’s okay.” Caleb peppered kisses along Aaron’s shoulder. “What are you apologizing for?”
“Nothing. I forgot where I was. It’s been—” Aaron needed
to stop talking. He’d only dig a deeper hole if he babbled on. He shook, and not from cold. Caleb in his bed was the last thing he should’ve allowed, but his resistance had crumbled. It’d been amazing, but the awkward part was on its way. And then what?
“You’re shaking. Aaron, talk to me.”
Aaron rolled off the bed. “It’s probably better if you go. I… I’ve got class to prepare for and—”
The look of hurt on his face stabbed at Aaron’s heart. The furrowed brow, the confusion—it was something he never wanted to see on Caleb, especially if he was the cause.
“Look, you and me, it won’t work out. I’m not right for you. You need more than just a schoolteacher. We both know that.” Aaron turned to the bed where Caleb sat, the covers tangled around his waist so his chiseled chest was on display. It’d be too easy to fall back in with him and allow Caleb to do whatever he wanted.
“I don’t understand. I thought we were going to figure this out together. How can you possibly know we won’t work out?”
Aaron turned away, suddenly very aware that he stood naked in front of Caleb. Embarrassed heat rose in him as he thought about his very average body in front of Caleb’s handsome, athletic form. He couldn’t even think about what he’d allowed to happen earlier since it was something that should’ve stayed as a fantasy. He had to say something, anything, to get Caleb out of his apartment.
He steadied himself with a hand on the dresser across from his bed. “I can’t do this.”
Behind him, he heard Caleb shuffle out of bed. Instead of getting dressed, he spun Aaron around by the shoulder to face him. Aaron struggled to keep his emotions in check as they stood naked, face-to-face. He could crumble later. If he did that now, Caleb wouldn’t go.
“Talk. To. Me.” Caleb’s confusion and hurt tore at Aaron’s resolve. “I don’t understand.”
Aaron looked away, but Caleb gently brought his face back so their gaze met. Neither spoke. There was so much to tell, but saying it to Caleb didn’t seem right.
“I can’t,” Aaron finally said.
Caleb put his hands at Aaron’s waist. Their nakedness was distracting, and Aaron didn’t appreciate his body betraying him, his cock already semierect. It’d be so easy to cast aside the doubt and just pull Caleb back to bed. That would also be the worst possible move.
“Sure you can. We’ve known each other long enough that you can tell me anything.” His voice was soft, soothing, and caused a new wave of emotions to well up that Aaron struggled to keep at bay.
It took some time before he answered. He wanted to make sure he kept his voice even. “Not even Pam knows the whole story.”
Caleb let out a small sigh that Aaron didn’t know what to make of. When Caleb stepped back, Aaron thought he’d finally made his point. Caleb found his red striped underwear on the floor and put them on, but then instead of getting his jeans, he grabbed Aaron’s sweats and handed them to him.
When Aaron didn’t take them, Caleb extended them a second time. “Put these on and tell me what’s wrong.”
Reluctantly, Aaron slipped them on and allowed Caleb to lead him back to the bed, where he pulled him down onto the mattress. Caleb settled against the headboard, sitting up, while Aaron sat with his legs folded under him, looking at Caleb. Aaron didn’t know what to do. Part of him wanted Caleb desperately. Another part needed Caleb to leave so he could spare himself the pain of having to be truthful about what happened in Los Angeles.
“Please, Aaron.” Caleb’s concerned gaze never left Aaron, but Aaron couldn’t look him in the eye.
Instead, he focused on the stream of light coming through the curtains from the window adjacent to the bed. “There’s more to why I came home than just needing a job. That part is true. There were budget cuts and I was let go, but I could’ve probably found something else out there. It was….” Aaron steeled himself. “I was seeing a guy, for a few years and….”
Aaron despised the shake that rattled through him as he thought about Tyson. He’d worked hard to block out the memories. Just when he thought he was moving on, Caleb had shown up, and sometimes Aaron clearly heard Tyson’s voice in his head telling him that he had nothing Caleb would want.
“It’s okay.” Caleb touched Aaron’s knee, which was the only part of him in reach. “Did he do something to you? Hurt you?”
The concern in Caleb’s voice almost did Aaron in. He wasn’t sure he deserved the sentiment or the patience since he’d been the one to be so stupid.
“Physically, only once and that was the end of it. I dealt with a lot, but no one gets to hit me.”
Caleb hissed in what sounded like disgust, and Aaron flinched. He wasn’t surprised that Caleb wouldn’t want to be with someone who’d allow himself to be hit. From the corner of his eye, he saw Caleb lean forward and reach for him, and he couldn’t stop himself from jerking back. Caleb’s hand stopped in midair.
“You have to know I wouldn’t do that to you.”
Aaron nodded and relaxed, which allowed Caleb to touch him. He gently pulled Aaron toward him and gracefully maneuvered them so they lay next to each other with Aaron nestled against Caleb’s chest. Aaron took a deep breath and let his body mold itself to Caleb’s. Even in the moment of vulnerability, he relished how safe he actually felt next to him.
“I’m sorry. I thought I was past all this.”
Caleb hugged him tight. “I can’t say I know what you went through, but you don’t have to apologize for still having feelings about it. If anything, I’m sorry for dredging it up.”
They lay quietly for a few minutes, Caleb holding him tightly. Aaron appreciated his patience. Not that he needed it, but it was more proof that Caleb was nothing at all like Tyson.
“I met—” Aaron paused to decide if he should use a name. Tyson still played baseball in Anaheim, and Aaron didn’t want to stir up any trouble. “I met this guy in a gay bar in West Hollywood. It wasn’t my usual haunt, but a friend was celebrating his birthday and there I was. I could tell by looking at the guy that he was an athlete and very much my type. He was handsome, charming. He seemed nice. We got to talking and hit it off, so we traded numbers. I should’ve known from the moment that my calls went to voicemail more often than not that something was up.”
Relief and terror flooded through Aaron as he told the story for the first time.
“He was a professional athlete, a baseball player, and he wasn’t out of the closet. He explained that it was important that we be as discreet as possible until he could find the right time to publicly come out, which he assured me he was going to do… eventually. After we had been going out for three months, he finally admitted that he had a fiancée. I blew up at him for not being honest with me, that I was just something on the side. He fed me a story about breaking up with her and being with me. That I was the one he really loved. He said he needed to be his true self and he just needed time. I was a fucking idiot for believing him.”
“Oh man. You really loved him.”
Aaron couldn’t decide if that was a statement or a question, but he kept going. “I did then. I wanted to be there for him. I knew all along that he wasn’t out to his team, and I understood that. In the beginning we had fun together. We’d go to these little out-of-the-way places that he knew, great little restaurants, places I suppose where they wouldn’t ask questions about the baseball player and his ‘friend.’ There were even a few times I went with him when he played away games. He’d put me up at amazing hotels and sneak over to be with me at night. He’d always have to get back to the team hotel by sunrise, though.
“But that didn’t last. He got more possessive and demanding—so paranoid of being found out that the only place we’d meet was my apartment. It felt like I just had a fuck buddy instead of a boyfriend. I suspected that he had other guys too. He showed me pictures on his phone once and he swiped into some of him with another guy in a hot tub. He tried to play it off that it was a teammate at some party. But he seemed very
weird about it. As much as ballplayers travel, he could’ve had guys all over the place. I probably should’ve confronted him more about that, but I never did. I focused on what he always said—that he wanted me once he broke off his engagement.”
He shifted slightly so he could look at Caleb, which suddenly seemed very important. “He got more defensive and hurtful as I tried to figure out what our future was. Over a few months, I let him convince me that I should lay off the questions and be happy that someone as famous as him showed an interest in someone like me in the first place. And, of course, he knew how to apologize when his temper got the better of him. On our anniversary I asked him when he was going to leave the girl, and he slapped me hard across the face. He called me an ungrateful bitch.”
“How did you not call the police on his sorry ass?” Caleb sounded like he was ready to fight the one who’d hurt Aaron.
“I guess you could say that the slap flipped a switch in me, made me realize the situation I was in was never going to get better. He was never going to break up with her. I’d never hit anyone in my life, but I gave him one hell of a shiner and told him that if he ever came to see me or called me again, I’d make sure his fiancée and the team found out about him. A couple of weeks after that, I learned I was out of a job. After months of him telling me that no one else would have me and then losing my teaching job, it was a hell of a blow. Pam offering me a position and coming back home to Foster Grove was the chance to start over.”
Caleb was silent, and Aaron worried he’d said too much. On the other hand, Caleb hadn’t moved and his expression hadn’t really changed. Aaron had no idea what he was thinking.
“Is he the reason you’re so resistant to starting something with me?”
Aaron couldn’t decide where to look to keep his emotions in check. “My heart knows you could never could be like him, but….” He took a deep breath to steady himself. “I’m skittish. I suppose I’ve made it worse on myself by not telling anyone, but it’s humiliating. I should’ve known when to walk away.”