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The Hockey Player's Heart Page 13
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Page 13
Once practice wrapped, Caleb took Aaron back to the school parking lot to get his car and then meet him at Aaron’s place. He wasn’t sure it was the best plan since it was where so much had happened yesterday, but it was closer to the school so they’d start the talk sooner here.
Once they were inside, they stood, not even removing their jackets.
“I don’t know what to do,” Aaron finally said.
“I know what I want to do, but it’s probably not what you’re looking for.”
Aaron sighed, closed his eyes, and dropped his head, his chin resting on his chest. He was sure Caleb was talking about a kiss or maybe more. It was the wrong answer, but just the thought of it made Aaron tingle inside.
“I want it,” Aaron whispered, his heart betraying him. “But there’s so much to sort out before we get deeper into it.”
“Isn’t that part of it, though? The more we fall for each other, the harder it will be to break us apart.”
“It’s got to be more than sex, though.” Aaron moved to put some distance between him and Caleb so he wouldn’t just throw himself on him.
“Isn’t it already? We’ve got years of history. It’s not like we’re strangers.”
Caleb slipped out of his jacket and hung it on one of the hooks by the door. He swiftly stepped behind Aaron and removed his to hang it up. “I don’t want to make this more complicated.” Caleb gestured toward the living room, his gentlemanly nature coming through again. “And I know it is. I’ve heard what you said—what you need. I don’t know how to make that happen, at least not right now. But I’m stubborn and want to figure it out.”
“I’m not sure that’s possible,” Aaron said as he entered the living room. “We’ve got very different lives, live in different places, and you know I’ve got a ton of baggage.”
Caleb went on to the kitchen, adding to the feeling that he lived there already, and returned quickly with two bottles of water. Before he delivered a bottle to Aaron, he stopped short. “Wow,” he said softly. “You kept it.”
Aaron didn’t have to guess what he was talking about. “I told you I always remembered it.”
Caleb put the water down on top of the short bookshelf that was behind the couch and then picked up the “World’s Best Tutor” trophy and examined it. “I had no idea that you’d kept it all this time.”
Aaron met Caleb’s gaze. “It was important. It came from you.”
“See?” Caleb said, setting the trophy carefully back in place. “You’ve waited years for this, and so have I. Let’s see what we can make of it.”
“That’s not fair. It’s different—a schoolboy crush and an adult relationship.”
Caleb sighed while Aaron pushed his hands through his hair.
“What’s not fair is that you’re not even thinking about ways we can be together. You’re just shutting it down. I’m willing to fight for us. Aren’t you?”
Everything Caleb said was reasonable, but Aaron couldn’t help but remember what it was like with Tyson as they settled into their routine. Come September, he’d hardly see Caleb and might not even hear from him regularly.
Caleb came up behind Aaron, who stood at the window that looked out on the building’s small yard and parking lot. “Will you at least think seriously about this and we can talk while I’m away?”
“All I do is think about us.” Aaron fixed his gaze across the street, trying to not focus on the reflection of him and Caleb in the glass.
Caleb began peppering Aaron’s neck with kisses.
“That doesn’t help,” Aaron said, even though he didn’t move to stop him.
“I’ll do anything to make the case that we should try for this, including seduction.” Caleb spun Aaron around so he could kiss him on the mouth. It didn’t take long for Aaron to surrender despite the voices in his head telling him to stop.
There were no more protests. They spent the night wrapped around each other with no talk about the future. There was sex and some dinner cobbled together out of what was in Aaron’s kitchen. Aaron didn’t know if Caleb felt the same somberness he did, but like the future, it was something he didn’t mention. He simply made sure to ignore his common sense and enjoy time with Caleb for one more night.
Chapter Twenty
IT wasn’t surprising that the team doctor and physical therapist put Caleb through his paces. If his foot hadn’t healed right, he could be in a lot of pain once it was under the stress of game play or, even worse, prone to breaking again. Wednesday morning was filled with x-rays, scans, and tests.
Ultimately the doc said it looked great and his range of motion was even better than expected. Caleb got the approval to return to the team immediately.
He couldn’t remember a time he dreaded getting back on the ice more.
When he’d broken his arm in fifth grade, it scared him to go back on the ice because he thought it’d happen again. By the time he was in middle school, that kind of fear didn’t get to him. He always wanted right back in the game.
This time it was like a punishment, taking care of the administrative stuff and meeting with Coach, because his heart was in Foster Grove. There was no going back, though. He’d skate with the team Thursday and Friday morning so he’d be ready for game one of the playoffs on Friday night. At least with the game on Friday, he could invite Aaron to come down to watch and, if he was lucky, stay the weekend.
Caleb’s next stop was to see Dimitri. He’d hoped Dimitri would be content hanging out at his place, but he wanted to go out and Caleb wanted to talk—so out it was. They met up at one of Dimitri’s favorite bars in Hell’s Kitchen, where at least it was quiet this early in the evening.
Caleb spotted Dimitri on one of the small couches in a back corner that gave him a good view of the entire place. He’d already attracted the attention of a young and very tattooed man. Dimitri at least looked up when Caleb came in. They traded a nod of acknowledgment before Caleb went to the bar to get a beer. Hopefully Dimitri could dispatch with his fan before he came back.
Dimitri stood as Caleb approached and embraced him in a hug. “It’s good to see you. What’s the word?”
Tattoo Guy was still on the couch, looking expectant, and that made Caleb uncomfortable. He kept his focus on Dimitri. “Back at practice tomorrow and in the game Friday.”
“Thank God. I didn’t like the idea of going into the playoffs without you. This is Peter,” Dimitri said, indicating the man on the couch. Caleb gave a nod. “Peter, this is Caleb, the teammate I told you I was meeting. Can we catch up later?”
“I wouldn’t mind catching up with both of you,” he said, cocking his eyebrow in what Caleb assumed was supposed to be a flirtatious expression.
Thankfully Dimitri quickly put an end to that idea. “I’m afraid that’s not going to happen.”
Peter got up. “Well, if you change your mind, I’ll be around.”
Dimitri grabbed his beer bottle off the low table as he watched Peter saunter to the bar. “He might be too much work. Although those tats….” He made growling sort of noise. “I’d love to see the rest.”
“I’ve missed hanging out with you.”
“Here’s to at least eight or nine more weeks of being together.” Dimitri clanked his bottle against Caleb’s, and they both sat down. Caleb sighed. “That’s not exactly the reaction someone trying to win a Stanley Cup is supposed to have.”
“I know.” Caleb pulled on the beer bottle’s label so he wouldn’t have to look at his friend. “My body’s ready to go, but I’ve got to get my head in it. I’m sure getting on the ice tomorrow will do the trick, being back out there with you and the rest of the team.”
“This is about what’s his name, isn’t it?”
“Aaron,” Caleb was quick to add.
“Yeah, Aaron.” Dimitri nodded. “How did he get such a hold on you so fast? You hardly take a sick day. You come in and cough all over the rest of us because you want to play so bad. When you broke your foot, you did everything you could to persuade Doc to w
rap it and let you play the next day, even though it was your third break. Suddenly you have to find a way to get your head in the game? Is he some kind of witch who’s put a spell on you?”
“If you met him, you’d understand. Maybe after Friday’s game. I’m hoping he’ll come down.”
“What?” Dimitri’s surprise took Caleb aback. “You’re asking the distraction to come here? You’ve got it bad.”
“I’ve had a thing for him for… forever, it seems like. Now that I know he feels the same I can’t let that go easily. It’s incredible to watch him work with his students. He actually likes hockey. He’s smart. Maybe too smart, really. He can’t see a way for us to work.”
“Or maybe he knows enough to get that you can’t be tied down—at least not right now.”
“I’m not you, D.”
“That’s not what I mean. This isn’t the easiest life to maintain a relationship of any kind. We see that all the time with guys who break up or get divorced. Why do you want to add that stress and distraction, especially during the playoffs?”
Caleb took a long pull on his beer. “Oh, come on. We know plenty of guys who make it work long-term.” Caleb considered, only briefly, mentioning Aaron’s previous heartbreak and abuse but didn’t because it wasn’t his story to tell. “I don’t have any answers for you, just like I don’t for him. All I can say is that I want to give it a go. What would you do if you met someone?”
“I meet someone all the time. Spend a night or two, and then we go back to our lives.”
“But you want more than a hookup someday, right?”
“Like what my mom and dad had where they were screaming at each other for years? No, thanks. Don’t start that ‘not everyone is like that.’ I can’t imagine a guy I’d want to settle with. It’s too much fun seeing what’s out there.”
Caleb couldn’t tell if Dimitri really felt that way or if he was just being difficult. “Well, I’m pretty sure I know who my guy is.”
“I wish I had some advice.” Dimitri reached out and grabbed some peanuts from the bowl on the small table in front of them. “What you’re talking about is way outside my expertise.”
“There’s got to be something I can say to him that will prove that this can all work. Or for him to at least take the leap. He’s too worried about us getting hurt to even give it a try.”
“He’s got every reason to worry about that. What happens when you meet someone on the road? Or a guy piques his interest while you’re gone? Out of sight, out of mind?”
“Hang on. What makes you think I’d leave him for someone on the road?”
“Okay, someone here, in the city where you actually live.”
“You know I’m not the kind of guy who fucks around.”
“Fine, but imagine meeting a captivating random man, and rather than getting to go home to Aaron, you go to an empty apartment. It’s the same for him up there.”
“And yet we both have been living alone.”
They sat quietly, drinking and watching the music videos that played on the flat screens over the bar. Caleb also caught the eye of Peter, the tattooed flirt, who seemed intent on waiting Dimitri out. He didn’t know how Dimitri did what he did—the seemingly endless string of affairs that usually only burned hot for a few days, maybe a week at most, before fizzling out.
Dimitri finally spoke up. “I’m just going to tell you to do what I do. Follow your heart. If you want to make it work with Aaron, do it. My heart tells me to enjoy the variety that life has to offer and fuck around as much as possible. If I didn’t do that, I’d go crazy. You’ll be miserable if you don’t do everything you can to bring him around.”
“Maybe if he comes down for the weekend, he’ll see that it can work.”
“Try not to bring any of this drama onto the ice, though. We need you at your best.”
“Yes, Coach.” Caleb smirked at his friend.
“You wanna go to your place and play some video games? Take your mind off all this for a while?”
“Do you need to take tattoo guy somewhere?”
“He’s being too clingy. He’s watched us the whole time. Besides, my best friend needs me—unless….”
“Don’t even say it. I do not need that. Beating you at NHL 17 will be enough.”
Dimitri stood and Caleb followed. “Let’s go. And why do you think you’re going to beat me anyway?”
“Because it’s what happens when we’re on Xbox.”
“It could be different this time.”
“Um, no.”
They laughed as they headed out of the bar and grabbed a cab to go to Caleb’s.
Chapter Twenty-One
AARON hadn’t expected Caleb’s invitation to come down to city to watch his first game back. His initial plan was to decline because there was no way he could get into the city in time after school. But Pam wouldn’t let him hide behind that excuse and personally covered his class so he could hit the road. He played a mix of power ballads and dance tunes on the drive to keep him from thinking too much or getting too nervous.
He followed Grant’s instructions on how to drop off his car at Caleb’s building. It was a super fancy short glass tower on the Lower West Side. Aaron couldn’t imagine what the inside must look like, but he’d know before the end of the night. The doorman took his keys so the car could be parked and arranged for his overnight bag to be taken up to Caleb’s.
He wasn’t used to so much help getting things done.
He arrived at Madison Square Garden right on time and texted Grant once he passed through security. The lobby in front of the ticket pickup windows was crowded as people spilled in from the security lines and scurried either to get tickets or go to their seat. It was the East Coast version of the Staples Center, where Aaron had been all of one time because Tyson took him to see some important college basketball game. He hadn’t enjoyed it. This would be much better because it was Caleb playing.
Grant seemed to appear magically out of the crowd. “Hey, Aaron.” He smiled as he shook Aaron’s hand. “Good to see you. Any trouble getting here?”
“Pretty okay, actually. Traffic, of course, but Pam forced me out of school with more than enough time to get here.”
“Excellent. So, you’ll need this.” He handed Aaron a couple of cards attached to a lanyard, similar to the ones Grant had around his neck. “These identify you as a VIP and get you access to the waiting room afterward. I’ll make sure you get there, but they prove you belong if anyone checks.”
Aaron put them over his head and looked at the cards, feeling a little awkward at receiving the specialized status. He followed Grant, keeping close to him. Instead of following the crowds, Grant took him through a door and down several hallways. It was a dizzying maze, and Aaron was glad he was with Grant, while at the same time, he hoped he wouldn’t have to retrace this path.
“Caleb got a terrific seat for you.” They emerged inside a nicely appointed lounge filled with people who seemed overdressed for the event—designer jeans, sweaters, and jackets. That left Aaron feeling way underdressed in a Rangers sweatshirt, hoodie, and jeans. He figured Caleb would just get him a regular seat where he’d blend in with the other fans. Maybe he should’ve asked what to wear? He didn’t want to embarrass Caleb—or Grant, for that matter.
They passed through the lounge and down to a seat just four rows off the ice, directly behind the New York bench.
Holy crap.
Caleb would be just a few feet away. This was unreal. Looking around The Garden, he expected to be up several levels. Up where the people were dressed like he was.
“This is pretty amazing,” Aaron said.
“Right? You’re here on the aisle. There are servers who can bring food to your seat, or you can go in the lounge and hang out, have food, whatever you want. It’s all on the house—just show them your credentials.”
“So, I need to go manage some pregame press for Caleb. I’ll check on you periodically, and I’ll come
pick you up after the game and take you where you’ll meet up with him and actually get on with your night.”
Great. He was suddenly stuck with a single word in his vocabulary. How could Caleb think he belonged in this place? Everyone was going to know he’d accidentally slipped behind the velvet rope.
“And you’ve got my cell number. Call or text if you need anything. And, most important, have fun.” Grant squeezed his shoulder and then was off like a shot.
Aaron fidgeted before the players came out for warmups. He read his phone. He looked around. He tried to feel like it was okay to be where he was. When Caleb came out onto the ice with the team, though, Aaron focused everything on number twenty-eight.
“Excuse me, sir.” A deep, booming voice came from his right, and Aaron looked up. A hulking man in a black blazer with a name tag that identified him as security looked at him as if he was ready to pick him up and move him. “Are you in the correct section?”
This was the moment he’d get ejected from The Garden before he could watch Caleb play even a minute of the game.
“Yes. Yes, I am.” He stood and held out his credentials from his body so they could be inspected.
The guard examined the cards and scanned one of them. “My apologies, Mr. Price. Enjoy the game.” Without another word, the guard retreated back to the lounge.
Even though he was jittery, before he sat down, he turned his back to the ice, pulled out his phone, and snapped a selfie.
Once comfortably ensconced in his seat, he typed to Pam. Can you believe how close I am to the ice? OMG!
He attached the picture and sent it. It only took less than a minute for the reply.
I hate you right now. Have fun!
Aaron forgot any issues he had about his seat once the game started. He only had eyes for Caleb, who more than once shot him a smile as he came to the bench—not always, but more than enough to warm Aaron’s heart.
The game play was thrilling, and he freely leaped up to cheer Rangers goals and strong plays. He was also quick to boo anything good Boston did. The excitement took over.